Sunday, July 21, 2013

And the mother load

In my last e-blast to friends of AES, I asked if anyone had or had access to bits of lace, tapestry, jewelry findings, or all other types of 'useful' things I could use in my lace vignettes and mixed media jewelry.  Vonnie works across the street from the Ladner thrift store.  One of the best I've been in.  And here is what arrived in the mail last week.  The 'mother load' of finds.

Jewelry Findings and Lace

Anne from Saanich sent me these in her most recent package (including pieces of leather).  The envelope that arrived a couple of weeks before has already been sorted and put away.  I'm going to make her a mini leather booklace.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Forever in our hearts. Happy Birthday Jeremy.

Born July 15, 1973. 
Happy Birthday Jeremy.
You were an awesome baby, child, boy, young man and man.
We love you and miss you.
In our hearts always.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thank you Vonnie and Garry

Same bouquet in full bloom.  Gorgeous!

A Birth Day 40 Years Ago

Written on Ruxton Island, July 14, 2013 for Jeremy’s birthday July 15

To my dearest baby boy,

40 years ago today I brought you into this world and we were together for just over 36 of those years. We will be together again one day but until then I carry you in my heart. So many memories and so many stories.  When I wake up on Ruxton Island in the loft... oh you would be so pleased with the ladder. It is a work of art ~ Owen poured a lot of love into that ladder and knew that with every swipe of the plane, you were by his side and the words he spoke were for you to hear…  Back to waking up in the loft.   The night sky is just beginning to brighten and the birds chattering wake me before dawn.  I think they know the sun is getting closer and start to sing as the sky lightens and begins to turn shades of red, pink and then into a milky blue and then a full on, sky blue.  And I think the eagles are back nesting high above Nelson’s.  You can hear them.  As my eyes peer into the lightening of day, I have a ritual where I trace the Celtic geometric cloth in my minds eye that hangs over the bed.  Did you?   The leaves and needles flutter in the trees when there is a breeze and sometimes the breeze sneaks through the screen window (yep, the window has a screen on it now) and caresses my face.  I love your loft Jeremy, especially in the early morning and there is not a morning, where ever I am, that you are not in my mind and bring a smile to my face and sometimes the ache sneaks up on me and my cheeks moisten as the tears fall ~ the ache of missing you.
4 years ago today, a little after the sun rose, we walked down the trail together with Mystic in your arms.  I held your beautiful cat while you got the boat and together we took Mystic to the Vet and there he went to sleep for the last time.  This time as you carried Mystic back up the hill from the beach, tears streaked your face.  Losing your kitty after 17 years broke your heart.
You created a beautiful resting place for Mystic and a part of you is there too. 

As the day wore on, we kayaked to Valdez and along the rock cliff shores.  A beautiful hot, sunny birthday.  Deep in our thoughts.  Dinner and birthday cake.  Another memory I’ll hold with me forever. 

I can feel your arms around me, you sitting quietly beside me, your breath blowing gently across me, your strength helping me through each day.  I miss you Jeremy Moon today and every day.  You are the stars and the moon that light up the night sky.  You are the sun that leads me through the day.  You make me laugh and you make me cry.  It’s here that I feel closest to you but you will always be with me.

 Happy Birthday.  I love you.

Owen wrote:  Happy Birthday.  Missing you Magoo.  Thank you for this wonderful place.  We’re doing our best to make it a nice cabin.  Having fun with neighbours.  Keep a place in your heart for us as we do for you.  'til we meet again.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's day to all of my family and friends.

There are those of us who may be having a more difficult day. Those whose mother's and children are not here. Some of us will not get a phone call today, or be sharing Mother's Day brunch and if we are, we are faking a smile. The house is empty and we feel the pain. It's okay to let go and let the tears fall and at the same time be remembering all of the wonders of our mother and our child. 
With love to you - we are not alone.

left to right:  Nadine, Gar, Karen.  Debbie is in Mom's arms.  Diane isn't born yet.

From my husband on Mother's Day

This has been an unusually hard week conjuring up all the memories of my mother and of Jeremy.  Memories of Owen's mother, Mary and Phil's mother, Kathryn.  Memories that bring smiles but also some pain. The ache that they are not here and that I cannot pick up the phone and say hello, or share or laugh, or get and receive a hug. But I remember their laughter, their wisdom, their unconditional love. And today, Owen helps me celebrate in the memories.

This morning, when Owen got up, he handed me this card. I give him 'grief' about buying cards and tell him to write me a note saying something from the heart or make me a card with humour only Owen can muster. And this is what I got. An amazing man, husband, son and super friend to Jeremy.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Canadian Commonwealth Day
Something you don’t see or hear very often

Tonight John and Marilyn invited 20 of us Canadian Snowbirders to their home, here in Hidden Springs, to celebrate our friendship with good food and libations.  Apparently it was Canadian Commonwealth Day.  Fortunately I googled it before we went over because we didn’t have a clue what it was.  There is little public awareness of it.  The most descriptive definition I found said “Commonwealth Day is celebrated on the second Monday of March.  Commonwealth Day is the day when Commonwealth countries, which represent a quarter of all humanity, acknowledge their common bonds and the contribution of the Commonwealth of Nations to the creation of a harmonious global environment. The holiday is celebrated with a different theme every year.  The second Monday in March was chosen as Commonwealth Day because it is a day when all schools throughout the Commonwealth are in session. Commonwealth leaders agreed that the day should be used to promote knowledge of the Commonwealth, particularly among the young people of their countries. Since 1977, schools all over the Commonwealth have organized special activities to promote the understanding of the association. Many places hold events such as games, exhibitions and parties. There are folk dancers and displays of national costumes, and parades of national flags. Many children correspond with pen pals from schools in other Commonwealth countries. Such activities are mainly designed to stimulate the children's interest and make learning about the Commonwealth fun.”

Prompted by one of their guests, all of us sang the Canadian National Anthem.  Do you know all of the words?  The Canadian National Anthem was followed by God Bless America which was a patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918.  Shortly after I told a few of the folks standing close by that the American National Anthem is the Star Spangle Banner.  We knew the words and were able to sing it too.