Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

My neice, Kirsten, has just started a new blog, Dancing to a New Beat. In a post titled "Materialsim to Minimalism - 365 Days to Becoming my Authentic Self", she quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson "Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink in the wild air." I love that quote. Kirsten further wrote, "To me, this epitomizes freedom of self, freedom from the shackles of a life that I have been merely a casual observer - rather than an enthusiastic particpant. No more! I will live in the sunshine and swim in the sea, and drink in the wild air!! No more will I be a slave to the 'rules' I had no part in creating and never really understood! And whenever the time comes that I must shuffle off of this mortal coil, I want to look back and say that I lived a life of purpose, a life of intent, a life of authenticity, a life of kindness to everything and everyone around me.

You go girl. If even some of us thought of buying into just of portion of your new found committment, what a world it would be.